Maybe you attended a lively New Year’s Eve party with your friends. You knew there would be changes in our lives as there always are, but you looked forward to them being positive ones. You debated about making New Year’s resolutions. Do we really keep them?
We had been warned about strong winds invading our area on Tuesday, January 7. And, around 10:30 a.m. a fire started at the top of the Highlands in the Palisades, and from then on, so many lives changed! Many friends and family members had the most devastating experiences in their lives, as they had to evacuate from their homes, going down overcrowded roads, only to learn hundreds of homes, businesses, and memories went up in hot, crackling flames around them.
The first responders became our heroes, neighbors helped each other as much as they could. But, throughout our community, nonprofit organizations, individuals, and local businesses sprang into action to provide food, clothing, toys, and more, as well as help in dealing with FEMA and other necessary paperwork. The camaraderie in the greater Los Angeles community has been inspiring.
And, it will be continuing for some time. In this issue are examples of how people have rallied around to help in every way they were able.
Count your blessings. Become an active part of your community. It always feels better when you can make a difference in the lives of others.
By Diane Margolin
Publisher, The Santa Monica Star